7-Eleven Fuel Account Cards Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about 7-Eleven Fuel Account Cards? Read our FAQs.

7-Eleven Network and Extended Network Fuel Cards

We have two options to help you get the fuel account card that’s right for your business -

7-Eleven Fuel Pass extended network card provides the convenience of use not just at 7-Eleven’s 645+ fuel stores but provides access to another 6,000+ service stations across Australia that are part of the WEX Motorpass network. For fuel discounts to apply, you must fill up at 7-Eleven stores.

7-Eleven Fuel Card network only card is only accepted at 7-Eleven fuel stores. With 7-Eleven Fuel Card, you avoid paying ongoing monthly management fees.

For more information and for a copy of the fee schedule, please email


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The discount you receive will depend on the following circumstances:

a) Any 7-Eleven promotional offers available at the time; and

b) your annual fuel spend

All new 7-Eleven Fuel Card customers should expect to receive a minimum of 3 cents per litre discount off the pump price for all regular fuel grades (Regular Unleaded 91, Regular E10,) and 4 cents per litre discount off the pump price for all premium and diesel fuel grades (Extra 95, Supreme+ 98, Diesel Efficient) excludes LPG & AdBlue.

All new 7-Eleven Fuel Pass customers filling up at 7-Eleven stores should expect to receive a minimum of 2 cents per litre discount off the pump price for all regular fuel grades (Regular Unleaded 91, Regular E10,) and 2 cents per litre discount off the pump price for all premium and diesel fuel grades (Extra 95, Supreme+ 98, Diesel Efficient) excludes LPG & AdBlue. For fuel discounts to apply, you must fill up at 7-Eleven stores.

If would like to know more about discounts, please call our Sales team on 1300 711 711, menu option 2.

See the terms and conditions for more details.

Acceptance network

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7-Eleven Fuel Card can be used at any 7-Eleven fuel store.

7-Eleven Fuel Pass can be used at:

Applying for an account

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To apply just complete the application form here or alternatively, you may apply over the phone by calling 1300 711 711 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST).

To apply for a 7-Eleven fuel account, you will need to meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) that has been trading for at least six months
  • Be 18 years or older
  • Be an officeholder of the business (e.g. Director or Company Secretary) or a person authorised to make this application on behalf of the organisation)

When preparing your application, make sure you have the following handy:

  • Your ABN
  • Your driver’s licence number, if you're a sole trader or in a partnership
  • The vehicle registration number, if the fuel card is being assigned to a specific vehicle
  • The driver’s full name, if the fuel card is being assigned to a specific driver
  • Your bank account or credit card details, if you want to pay by direct debit.

Please note that you may be asked for financial information, proof of address or additional supporting documents in order to assess your application.

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If you're having trouble with your application, you can call 1300 711 711 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST) or email

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Subject to your satisfactory completion of the online application form, customers usually receive their cards within 4-7 working days following approval.

Card types

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There are three different types of cards:

Driver and Vehicle card – This card has both driver and registration details printed on it so only the driver in the nominated vehicle is allowed to use the card.

Driver Only card – This card will have a nominated driver with that person’s name printed on it. Only the nominated driver is eligible to use this card. There is a signature panel on the back of this card, which must be signed on receipt. When using this card, a signature is required for verification.

Vehicle Details card – This card is specific to a vehicle registration, make, model and colour or just a registration number. Only a person in possession of the card and driving the nominated vehicle is permitted to use this card. This card can therefore only be used in conjunction with the vehicle whose registration is printed on the card. This card requires no signature panel and therefore no signature authorisation is required for use.

Card controls

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A full list of the product options available for your account and the terms and conditions can be viewed online.

Your account and card controls can be viewed and changed through accessing your account online.


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We will send your statements via email (or via mail if you have requested this option) after the end of each billing period. If you require a re-print on a previous statement, simply login to your account and reprint the relevant statement. If you require copies of statements that date back more than 12 months, call 1300 711 711 (menu option 1). Please note a fee will apply for these requests, refer to the fee schedule for more information.

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The billing cycle for 7-Eleven Fuel Card will be the end of month or the next business day. Payment is due 14 days after statement date.

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Amount due – This includes all purchases for that billing period and any charges or amounts carried over from previous statements.

Date due – Full payment is due on the specified date.

Number of active cards and purchases – If there are any queries regarding transactions, please call 1300 711 711 (menu option 1).

Statement messages – These may include latest offers, discounts or reminders.

Payment methods

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Direct Debit

Call 1300 711 711 (menu option 1) to arrange an ongoing direct debit from a cheque, savings or credit card account

EFT Direct Payment

Pay via electronic banking to: Wright Express Australia Pty Ltd

BSB: 017 907

Account: Customer’s unique 9-digit virtual account number

Credit Card

Pay by VISA, Mastercard or American Express at or by calling 1300 711 711 (menu option 1)


Biller Code: 30619

Ref: Customer’s 10-digit account number

Lost or stolen cards

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You can cancel your card online by logging into your account or by calling us on 1300 711 711 (Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 7pm AEST).

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You should request the card to be returned to you and destroy it. You’ll also need to request to cancel your card by updating your account online or calling us on 1300 711 711.

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You can cancel your card online by logging into your account or by calling us on 1300 711 711 (Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 7pm AEST).

Replacement cards

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You can order new cards online by logging into your account, or if you’d prefer to speak with us, call 1300 711 711 (Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 7pm AEST).

Your new cards will be delivered to you in the mail in 4 – 7 business days.

Late payments

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If you do not pay your account in full by the due date, you are in default, and we may charge your account a late payment charge and may suspend the account. The late payment charge is an administration fee on the overdue amount, refer to fee schedule for more information.

Refer to the terms and conditions at for more details.

If I cannot pay my account in full by the due date what should I do? If you cannot pay your account by the due date, please call us on 1300 711 711.

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If you cannot pay your account by the due date please call us on 1300 711 711.

Credit limits

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You must ensure your spending does not exceed the expenditure limit at any time. If it does, you must immediately pay the amount that exceeds the expenditure limit. You will be charged an over the limit fee for each month (or part thereof) that the current balance exceeds the approved credit limit. If payment is not made, your account may be suspended or closed.

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You can login to your account and request a credit limit increase or email with your account number and credit request. Credit limit increases are subject to approval.

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Yes, transaction limits can be tailored for each card with different controls or applied at an account level to create the same controls across all cards.

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Each time the card is used outside of the set limit the account holder will receive an email to inform them of the attempted or actual breach. If the account holder has opted to decline transactions that do not adhere to the card limits, the transaction will decline at the point of sale.


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For a full list of fees, refer to the fee schedule or email for a fee schedule to be sent to you.

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Yes, GST is payable on all fees.

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A small number of fuel merchants may elect to charge a surcharge for 7-Eleven Fuel Pass transactions and may do so at their own discretion. 7-Eleven fuel stores do not charge a transaction surcharge.

Card PINs

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A Personal Identification Number (PIN) is a personalised security number that is used to authorise transactions to prevent fraud and card misuse.

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7-Eleven Fuel Pass gives you the choice as to whether you want to attach a PIN to the card, it’s not mandatory.

Setting a PIN is mandatory on a Setting a PIN is mandatory on a 7-Eleven Fuel Card.

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If you wish to set a PIN you need to:

Login to your online 7-Eleven account and in the ‘Account’ or ‘Cards’ section, select ‘PIN Settings.’

Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Service team on 1300 711 711 (Monday to Friday, 8:45am – 7pm AEST).

Please note the below PIN settings apply to your cards:

  • Yes – a PIN must be used on all cards
  • Optional – PIN authorisation will be active on selected cards
  • No – No PIN settings will be active

If you set your cards to ‘Yes’, the card cannot be used until a PIN has been set and the PIN is required for all transactions. You are responsible for keeping your PIN safe.

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When PINs are set, or when any changes are made, the change should be effective within 24 hours. 

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If you have forgotten your PIN you can set a new PIN by:

Calling 1300 711 711. The mobile number registered for the card must be provided in order to receive a SMS containing further instructions. If you have forgotten the mobile number originally provided or changed your mobile number you can update it online.

Your card will be locked if you have entered your PIN incorrectly three times. Call 1300 711 711 to unlock it.

Dispute a transaction

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Please contact our Customer Service team on 1300 711 711 (Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 7pm AEST)


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Due to the Terms and Conditions of the Velocity Frequent Flyer program, you cannot earn points when you use your 7-Eleven fuel card. 

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Unfortunately, because 7-Eleven fuel account customers already receive an introductory and ongoing discount on fuel at 7-Eleven fuel stores, Fuel Price Lock cannot be used in addition.

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Please contact our Customer Service team on 1300 711 711 (Monday to Friday, 8:45am - 7pm AEST).